Project Import


Hashquery is currently in public preview. Here are some caveats to keep in mind for early adopters:

  • Backwards compatibility may not be preserved between version upgrades, and you may need to update your package regularly.

  • There may be differences in the SQL logic generated by hashquery compared to the Hashboard app.

  • You may encounter dialect-specific SQL syntax errors or other unexpected errors. If you come across one, let us know by reporting an issue.


Dynamic collection of all the Hashboard resources available for the project.

For each resource type in this collection, you can access properties on them using standard . syntax, using the alias of the project resource to load them:

model = project.models.sales
conn = project.connections.uploads
print(project) # to list all available aliases

Collection of project Model instances.


Collection of project connections, as LinkedResource instances.

class LinkedResource(id: str, alias: str | None, project_id: str)

Represents a reference to an external resource.