Hashquery is currently in public preview. Here are some caveats to keep in mind for early adopters:
Backwards compatibility may not be preserved between version upgrades, and you may need to update your package regularly.
There may be differences in the SQL logic generated by hashquery compared to the Hashboard app.
You may encounter dialect-specific SQL syntax errors or other unexpected errors. If you come across one, let us know by reporting an issue.
All the following are valid ways to reference these functions:
# import *
from hashquery import *
# import func
from hashquery.model import func
# direct named import
from hashquery.model.func import count
- cases(
- *cases: Tuple[ColumnExpression, ColumnExpression | Any],
- other: ColumnExpression | Any | None = None,
Constructs a ColumnExpression that represents a SQL CASE expression.
- Parameters:
*cases – List of (condition, value) pairs, where condition and value are ColumnExpressions.
other – The value (or expression) to use if none of the cases match. Defaults to None.
- and_(
- *clauses: ColumnExpression,
an AND expression in SQL
- or_(
- *clauses: ColumnExpression,
an OR expression in SQL
- not_(
- clause: ColumnExpression,
a NOT expression in SQL
- count(
- target: ColumnExpression | None = None,
an aggregating COUNT expression over the provided column or value. You can omit a value to form COUNT(*).
- count_if(
- condition: ColumnExpression,
an aggregating expression which counts the records for which condition is True. Equivalent to SUM(CASE WHEN condition THEN 1 ELSE 0 END).
- distinct(
- target: ColumnExpression,
an aggregating DISTINCT expression over the provided column.
- max(
- target: ColumnExpression,
an aggregating MAX expression over the provided column.
- min(
- target: ColumnExpression,
an aggregating MIN expression over the provided column.
- sum(
- target: ColumnExpression,
an aggregating AVG expression over the provided column.
- avg(
- target: ColumnExpression,
an aggregating AVG expression over the provided column.
- floor(
- target: ColumnExpression,
a FLOOR expression over the provided column.
- ceiling(
- target: ColumnExpression,
a CEILING expression over the provided column.
- now() ColumnExpression
a NOW() expression in SQL, which will be evaluated at query-time. This is distinct from calling, which would evaluate the expression at build-time.
- exists(target: Model) ColumnExpression
an EXISTS function over a model.
- diff_seconds(
- ts1: ColumnExpression,
- ts2: ColumnExpression,
a diffSeconds expression over the provided timestamp columns. Returns the difference in seconds between the two timestamps.